SAGA, also known as the Saló del Gaming, is an annual event dedicated to the world of video games, with a special focus on Catalan-language games, organized by Plataforma per la Llengua. The first edition was held on the weekend of December 3–4, 2022, at La Farga in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.
This year’s edition will take place on November 29, 30, and December 1, and we’ll be waiting for you at Stand 4.4!
For this third edition, we are thrilled to participate with our virtual reality video games. We’ll be offering closed beta tests of our game Human Reality, an awe-inspiring sensory experience, and a chance to play the latest version of Caga Tió.
Additionally, we’ll host talks on video game development, and we’d love to answer your questions or simply chat about what we’re most passionate about: software development.
🎮 Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the future of gaming! Stop by Stand 4.4 and be part of the experience. See you at SAGA! 🎮